Reading educates…

Reading educates…

Reading educates. So I read and stop at this point in my current book:

“The success of a book is not measured by the number of copies sold, but by the happiness and pleasure that publishing the book gives you.”

I am also a publisher – for games – and can therefore rightly say that this also applies to games.
Or rather, it should be. Any publisher who has moved away from this wisdom should actually look for a new job, because they are no longer passionate about their work. I get the impression with some that commerce is the only thing that matters, and you can see that in the games. With authors it’s usually different: they are passionate about their game, you experience this passion even if the game isn’t that great from a “professional” point of view.

But we’re not talking about success here, we’re talking about fun and enjoyment – that seems to be a foreign world for many….

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